Statement of Faith

Mission Statement

New Mercies Ministries is a gospel-centered organization providing supportive connections, safe housing, and restorative services for women and families, empowering them to gain stability and thrive in community

Belief Statements

About God - We believe there is one true God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

About God’s Word - We believe God has revealed Himself through his Word, the Bible. The Bible is true and without error in all its words and teachings and is the final authority in all matters on which it speaks.

About Man – We believe God created man in His image, but man sinned and became alienated from his Creator.

About Jesus Christ and His Atoning Work – We believe that Jesus Christ, God the Son, lived a sinless life and voluntarily atoned for the sins of men by dying on the cross. He rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and now lives in glorified body at the right hand of the Father.

About Personal Salvation - We believe that salvation and restored relationship with God are possible solely by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection.

About the Holy Spirit – We believe the Holy Spirit indwells all true believers, enabling the Christian to live a godly life and engage in the ministry of evangelism and discipleship.

To preserve a Biblical foundation, New Mercies Ministries’ Board Members, leadership, employees, church partner leadership and all volunteers are asked to indicate their personal agreement with our Statement of Faith.