
July Impact Story

"It Was All So Great!"

It takes many volunteers to host a child. Host Families open their homes for a hosting. Several Support Volunteers might bring meals or transport a child. The Family Coach helps coordinate these moving parts so that each child is cared for in a loving home and his or her parent can regain stability. This process is always a beautiful example of believers...

June Impact Story

Comforted to Comfort Others

Every hosting is an opportunity to see God at work in His world. He is present in all the decisions that go into supporting a family through hosting, from selecting the Host Family to appointing the Family Coach. We do our best to match volunteers with the families they can uniquely minister to. But sometimes God does what only He can do...

How to Increase Gospel Sharing 1

How to Increase Gospel Sharing in an Organization

When it comes to sharing the Gospel, service-oriented organizations like New Mercies often need to balance meeting the needs of the vulnerable, while at the same time providing the most important news anyone will hear. While being mindful of timing and cultural differences, we never want to compromise our mission of...

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A Beautiful Hosting Experience

New Mercies seeks to stand in the gap for parents in crisis, whether that crisis is the first or fourth for a parent. By providing a family-like network of support, our desire is for parents to feel safe to call us again if they need help navigating future challenges. This also means volunteers can form deeper relationships with parents, often leading to more...

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Another God Thing

At New Mercies, we try to match Host Families with the child or children that will be the best fit for their situation and capacity to serve. Staff members want to make sure that both the mom and the child feel loved and supported throughout their hosting. We also pay attention…

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A Call To Friendship

One of the most beautiful parts of coming alongside vulnerable families in our communities is watching God form special friendships between volunteers and kids or parents served. Few stories show this as clearly as one that happened this summer.